Friday, 29 November 2013

 Above, Sutton Bonington sets into Autumn colours, never seen the Harlequin berry tree before!
 Mud glorious mud - at schools cross country, yr 7 boys, yr 8 girls.

Autumn also means apples foraged from some unloved tree that nevertheless produces monster delicious fruit! Apple cake here, 4oz butter, flour, ground almonds, 2 eggs, some sugar and a bit of cinnamon. Nice crunchy top yet moist in the middle. One bowl, one cake tin and in the oven.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

 Happy shiny sun through the trees on a cold November morning.
 Drive to work through the middle English countryside.
Family Feeding Frenzy starts today.
Peppered mackerel cut into chunks.
Add to just boiled potatoes, carrots and broccoli.
Toss into a bowl with Dill, olive oil, salt, lemon zest.
chunky slices of spring onion, red pepper and tomatoes...
All done - time to eat!

A couple of races done with new running friend, but have decided my schedule doesn't work in a two mornings of running a week. Have to keep my flexibility, so on my own again!
New effort with the blog, once a day, diary of food frenzy, watch this space.