Saturday, 15 March 2008

The second toenail...

12 miles it was. All in daylight for a change. I left well after 7am and ran along the trail. Never carry water but rely on water fountains, Starbucks, PCC etc. Nice morning, cool, overcast, slight know I like this kind of weather. I took along a Strawberry Banana GU. I've owned several of these flavour for over a year now. They were free samples but I haven't dared to taste them yet. Didn't happen today either, maybe I need to just throw them out. It seems I'd rather starve (or run very very slowly) than taste the GU attempt at banana flavour. Legs were nicely rested, lungs clear...ribcage tired from all that coughing. A new discovery is the filing of the second toenail on each foot. The hilly Seafair half marathon 2006 left me with very bruised toenails (you may need to skip the next bit if squeamish). Both toenails eventually parted company with their respective toes. The grown back version has been thicker and easily bruised again. Last week after my 20 miler I finally took action and filed them down to the normal thickness of my other toenails. Not only do my feet look normal again but even after 12 miles the toes are not even slightly sensitive - genius!
Nice restful Saturday, maybe to Crystal tomorrow for a spot of Spring skiing.

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