Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Robin Hood Marathon

Madly enough I decided to sign up for this one. I have completed a 20 miler...some time back now I confess and it was okay so I thought I'd sign up. Since then running has been erratic, swine flu has hit and passed (sort of) and HB is in and out of hospital. We are in London for many of the weekends and quite frankly we haven't quite settled yet. The big news this time is that we have finally moved into our new (permanent?) abode. A lovely house, I'll tell you more as we go along. Work is fun, just reading and writing grants...thinking about science, only going into the office for meetings otherwise sitting in my new lovely kitchen bashing keys on my laptop. Lunchtime runs possible this week since Dd has the boys for a week in London...
Have to get a long run in somewhere this week and next and the last one before we head to Corsica for a summer holiday. Will try to update again soon.

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