Less than four days to go before I set off on the Oregon trail...I mean the Eugene Marathon. I'm trying to focus at work but between checking the weather predicted in Eugene that day and rethinking my race 'strategy' there is not much left of my soul for talk writing. Yes, I agreed to give a talk this Friday to the Northwest Genetics Exchange group. It will be short and I'm scheduled first in the day so then I can get my things together (my things are my people R, J and T), and head on out to Eugene. The traffic had better not be the mess it was last year...Friday afternoons are always terrible though in my experience.
My last week has been 12 on Saturday...nice run, nice weather. 3 on Sunday. No swim or bike or anything on Monday - rest I think it's called. Tuesday a very fast 4.5. Today I toned it back down to 3 easy. Tomorrow another rest day (though I will bike to work). Friday 2 or 3, I don't think anybody is counting anymore, rest on Saturday and then the big day itself!
Strategy. I'd like to finish, and think I can finish, in several minutes before the clock strikes five hours. This would require the temp to be perfect, me to feel perfect etc. There is a 4.5 hour pacer and a 5 hour pacer. I think I'll play it safe (boring you mean?) and stick with the five hour pacer, if by some miracle I feel fantastic in the later parts of the race I can kick it up a notch...and then fall by the wayside perhaps? Nerves, nerves. Can't wait for the race, I'm expecting to enjoy it, can't wait to have done it, worried about what next.