Wednesday, 16 April 2008

on the crest of the hill

Looking forward to the taper which officially began as of Sunday's last long run of 23 miles. Had to be Sunday this week since Spring Skiing could not be missed according to R. Our first and maybe last warm spring day happened this past Saturday and we hit the slopes down at Crystal (see video). Jackets and gloves were unnecessary but of course we took them along anyway and tied it all around our middles while the sweat trickled it's way down our backs. My first ever trip up the Rainier Express lift when the view was out. Corrr! mountains everywhere and Mt. Rainier just one step and a hop away. I proceeded to awkwardly descend. Never gone on a blue first thing, my legs were wobbly from nerves and too much running...(50 miles this past week). But I got down with not too much trouble. The rest of the afternoon was spent mostly T and myself skiing Forest Queen Express while R and J took on a couple of double blacks. So we've graduated from being able to do Discovery by ourselves to being left alone together on the proper mountain...hurrah!
Not blogging so much this week, computer is still making strange noises.
So far though the taper has not really happened. The weekday mileage this week is much the same as before 2, 6, 8, 6, 3, I'll only see the difference on Saturday with a long run of only 15 miles, better go well cos this morning's run was slow and choppy. 23 miles on Sunday went absurdly well. Didn't take too long (for me) and the weather was fine, read cool, with no rain. Took a couple of Accelgels along, key lime and chocolate at last something that tastes decent. Helped out the crumply man on Sunday morning. he wasn't at the bus stop as I approached, I reasoned that it was Saturday after all. then a bus swung past the stop and around the corner and I heard a familiar voice yelling out. There was the crumply old man, he'd missed his bus. I waved at the bus driver and pointed to C.O.M. Seattle metro drivers are such a nice bunch, he stopped the bus and waited.

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