Friday, 4 April 2008

running fast

A bit of an anomaly for me...the title that is. As you know I don't run fast so in fact the term is used in a relative sense. Saw pink lady with blond frizzy hair again on the trail today. Got to run later in the mornings when it is light this week on account of J and T being on Spring break, no buses to catch or lunches to make most days. Back when I first started this running thing I would run on Tues and Thurs mornings, almost always on the trail. More often than not I would see a woman dressed in a pink fleece sweatshirt, with permed blond hair running along at an equally excruciatingly slow pace as mine. I see her sometimes now and we always greet each other with a 'morning' or 'have a nice day'. In all the years I've seen her out there we have always somehow been running in opposite directions. Yesterday in the last but one mile of my six I saw her ahead of me...she's lost quite a lot of weight but she doesn't run any faster. I didn't feel like spoiling my story of her being the mother of five kids, bored at home, she runs to forget. I didn't want to talk to her and find out anything real about her. I like my made-up stories just as they are. So I put on the racing brain and sped (all relative remember) along, turned to say 'Hi' and then did a serious tempo run, a breath to every two steps until I turned off the trail. I'd left her way behind and you know I think that's the first time that has happened. It felt really good to be running 'fast'.
Still plodded my way through the two miler this morning...what is it that I need to motivate me to a faster pace? Pink lady with fuzzy blond hair?

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